Everybody was Ibex fighting!
That ibex is the man! What I’m watching: Tosh.0
That ibex is the man! What I’m watching: Tosh.0
It’s that time of the year again. Febturday… 1 or 2 weeks after the Super Bowl. Time for the next annual Lord of the Rings festival. The Sixth Annual Lord of the Rings Festival. 6th! And it’s only 5 days away. Try not to get too excited though. I know you all do. What I’m […]
I just finished up Season 8 of Stargate SG-1. I know it’s Jack’s last season as a full time cast member which is pretty depressing. I felt the need to thank Richard Dean Anderson (@andersonrdean) for so many years of great service as both Jack O’Neill and Angus MacGyver. 8+ seasons as Jack and 7+ […]